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For example: M = Matching Funds. .:;EYq  < = K L M Y Z h i j m * j r t |   Ÿۮ{wh 8jh 8UhSPjhb(CJUmHnHuh$jthfCJU hfCJjhfCJUjh(0CJU h(0CJjh(0CJU h#CJ hb(CJ hb(5 hb(5CJ hsO5CJhsOh.Rhb(*;Y    m * 6 V j   0 Ff $Ifgd.R$If$dN` $dN " , . 0 2 F H J T V X Z n p r | ~      " 6 ڸڭ֔ڸډڸ~ڸjhb(Ujhb(Ujh 8Ujhb(UmHnHuj&hb(Ujhb(Ujh 8Uj:h 8Uh 8hb(jh 8UmHnHujh 8Ujh 8U10 X H p r  : b ,T|FfFf $Ifgd#$If6 8 : D F H J ^ ` b l n r t       ( * , 6 8 : < P øǪßǪÔǪډ~Ǫj h 8Uj. hb(Uj h 8UjB h 8Ujh 8UmHnHuj h 8Uh 8jh 8Ujrhb(Uhb(jhb(UmHnHujhb(Ujhb(U1P R T ^ ` b d x z | (*,.BDFPRTVjڹڱڱڱ~jh 8UjDh 8Ujh 8UmHnHujh 8Uh 8jh 8Uj|hb(Ujhb(Uj hb(Uhb(jhb(UmHnHujhb(Uj hb(U1jlnxz|~  246@BFH\^`jlnpҵڪڟڔډ~ҵjh 8Uj~hb(Ujhb(Ujhb(Ujhb(Ujh 8UmHnHujh 8Uh 8jh 8Uhb(jhb(UmHnHujhb(Uj0hb(U1DFn6^(PxBjFf$Ff $IfgdfFf$If  $&(2468LNPZ\^`tvxڸê֟ڔêډê~êj hb(Ujhb(Ujhb(Ujh 8Ujhb(UmHnHuj2hb(Ujhb(Ujh 8Uh 8hb(jh 8UmHnHujh 8UjFh 8U1$&(*>@BLNPRfhjtvxzڹڮڣژڍj"hb(Uj "hb(Uj!hb(Uj4!hb(Uj hb(UjH hb(Ujhb(Uhb(jhb(UmHnHujhb(Ujhb(U7 024>@BDXZ\fhjl  j")hb(Uj(hb(Uj6(hb(Uj'hb(UjJ'hb(Uj&hb(Uj#hb(Ujhb(UmHnHujhb(Uj #hb(Uhb(8 2Z$Ltd67;;<<<< $dNFf2Ff+$If  "$.024HJLVXZ\prt~ "$&:<>HJLNj/hb(Uj8/hb(Uj.hb(UjL.hb(Uj-hb(Uj*hb(Uj*hb(Ujhb(UmHnHujhb(Uj)hb(Uhb(8Nbdfprtv22Z222.3@34465B5f6h677:4:;h$h.Rh^h.Rhb(5>*U hb(>*h.Rhb(5 hb(CJhsOj1hb(Uj1hb(Uj0hb(Ujhb(UmHnHujhb(Uj$0hb(Uhb(6Unrecovered Indirect Costs  The standard University indirect cost rate is 21.3% on campus (10.7% off campus) modified total direct costs. Unrecovered Indirect costs is realized when the sponsoring agency restricts or limits the amount of indirect costs allowed in the proposal. The University strongly encourages that cost share in the form of unrecovered indirect costs be presented and committed before cost share of in-kind or matching funds. Unrecovered IDC is determined by taking the amount of fully recovered indirect costs less the amount requested. Matching Funds  Funds set aside to be used towards the research project. Matching funds may be internal University funds or funds received from an external sponsor in support of the project. In-Kind  For the purpose of this form,  In-Kind is used only to recognize contributed effort. Contributed effort is the amount of salary that the University pays for a person to spend effort on a research project. The University strongly encourages direct charging effort to the project. A person may not contribute more than 100% of his/her time. If an individual will not be assigned to a position until a later date, fill in  TBA in the name and SS# for UWA ID# and estimate the amount of salary. COMMENTS: Chair_____________________________ Dean____________________________________ Director, Office of Sponsored Programs ___________________________ ;;<<4<V<l<<<&=.=h.RhEhfhb(h$ < < <<<.= $dN $dN/&P0= /!"#$% tDeCheck1tDeCheck2$$If!v h#v#vb#v#v#vp#v#vT#v#v :V l0`955b555p55T55 4yt$kd$$Ifl v 'Z-b48bpT0`9$$$$4 layt$vDText52vDText52vDText52tDText8vDText52vDText10vDText11vDText12vDText13$$If!v h#v#vb#v#v#vp#v#vT#v#v :V l(0`955b555p55T55 4yt$kd$$Ifl( v 'Z-b48bpT0`9$$$$4 layt$vDText52vDText52vDText52vDText17vDText52vDText19vDText20vDText21vDText22$$If!v h#v#vb#v#v#vp#v#vT#v#v :V l0`955b555p55T55 4yt$kd$$Ifl v 'Z-b48bpT0`9$$$$4 layt$vDText52vDText52vDText52vDText26vDText52vDText28vDText29vDText30vDText31$$If!v h#v#vb#v#v#vp#v#vT#v#v :V l0`955b555p55T55 4yt$kd$$Ifl v 'Z-b48bpT0`9$$$$4 layt$vDText52vDText52vDText52vDText35vDText52vDText37vDText38vDText39vDText40$$If!v h#v#vb#v#v#vp#v#vT#v#v :V l0`955b555p55T55 4yt$kd$$Ifl v 'Z-b48bpT0`9$$$$4 layt$vDText41vDText42vDText43vDText44vDText45vDText46vDText47vDText48vDText49$$If!v h#v#vb#v#v#vp#v#vT#v#v :V l0`955b555p55T55 4yt$kd#$$Ifl v 'Z-b48bpT0`9$$$$4 layt$vDText50vDText51vDText52vDText53vDText54vDText55vDText56vDText57vDText58$$If!v h#v#vb#v#v#vp#v#vT#v#v :V l0`955b555p55T55 4yt$kd*$$Ifl v 'Z-b48bpT0`9$$$$4 layt$vDText59vDText60vDText61vDText62vDText63vDText64vDText65vDText66vDText67$$If!v h#v#vb#v#v#vp#v#vT#v#v :V lZ0`955b555p55T55 4yt$kd1$$IflZ v 'Z-b48bpT0`9$$$$4 layt$^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH 8`8 Normal_HmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 4>@4 Title$a$5CJ0J@0 SubtitleCJ4B@4 Body Text$dPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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